Friday 1 April 2011

At the start of my blog a few weeks ago I said that I would be writing for the benefit of school children so that they might learn a little about Lesotho. This week I am interrupting this promise for a very special but sad reason.
My mate Mart’s Dad
On Wednesday (29th March), I received an email from home that My mate Mart’s Dad had passed away after fighting an illness for a number of years. Being so far from home and not being able to help I felt the need to share with you how my family and I felt about Mart’s Dad. Oh by the way Mart’s Dad has a name, it is David, we never used his name it was always Mart’s Dad and so it will stay (and Mart is Martyn).
The word that springs to mind to describe him:
A kindly man, one who showed a genuine interest in what you were doing, it was not just a surface acknowledgement. It was a deep seated interest and enthusiasm for what you or other members of the family were doing or about to undertake.
When visiting, one’s intention might only be to stay a little while to chat. Yet he had a skill, a knack, a cordial geniality, drawing you in to the extent that hours would pass with ease. But one still felt that those hours that had lapsed were mere minutes.
A Kindly man, without doubt, but also one who also had a mischievous side, let me give you an example.  It was on a rugby trip to Paris to see Wales take on France. As it was an evening kick off we filled the time with a visit to the French Military Museum. On leaving, walking along the paths between manicured lawns and pruned box hedges, Mart’s Dad turned to me. ‘Do you think we could run across the lawn and jump the hedge, we are on tour,’ not wishing to comment on our combined ages, I looked around to see a number of gendarmes strategically placed. I pointed, Mart’s Dad replied, ‘Perhaps another day.’ I nodded and sighed for my own self interest.
 To Mart’s Dad,
 I will say my goodbyes from Lesotho. It was an absolute privilege to be able to spend time in your company and to be able to call you friend. Thank you for the kindness you have showed me, Alison, Katy and Rachel.
You may not be among us now, yet I feel that your spirit will remain with us long into the future.
And remember, all the Angel police in heaven are Welsh, so go ahead, jump as many hedges as you like.

My mate Mart and his Dad  

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