Sunday 10 April 2011

What a busy week.
This week the children of St James have been competing in 2 inter school events.
 The first was the sports day held at the National Stadium in Maseru.

It was very successful day with winners in the 3000, 1500, 800 metres and the boys 4x400 relay.  All the children competing did very well for it was a long hot day.
From the pictures of the children competing do you notice that there is something missing? Not only do the children compete without these but they also train without them on the hard stony ground of the outside playing areas of St James School. ‘Ouch,’ it hurts just to think of it. 
One of the boys' teams from St James

One of the girls' teams from St James ( + coach,  whistle around neck 

The second event was the cultural day. It is a bit like an Eisteddfod. The events are mainly traditional dancing, plays and poetry.
The dancers are accompanied by a group of singers who sing a traditional Besotho song and a drummer who beats out a constant rhythm.
This year St James had a new girl’s dance team. They did ok, in fact better than Ok they

 St James Dance Group ( not the bloke at the back)
The traditional Besotho dances are very different from the ones seen at Eisteddfodau.  I do have some videos but they take a very long time to down load onto the blog. I will try to get them onto the blog when I return to Wales. 

Some of the other school teams 


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