Sunday 27 March 2011

St James, the school and classrooms
With 1000 pupils the school covers quite a big area and has lots of classrooms. It has 3 playing areas 2 in the open and 1 covered shelter.
You can see from the pictures that the playing areas outside do not have much grass, if any at all. If fact they are very dusty and stony on dry days.
But when it rains the playing areas become very wet and muddy, with small streams forming almost everywhere. It makes it very difficult to cross without sinking into the sandy mud.
In the photographs showing the playing areas there are some posts for playing _ _ _ _ball and _ _ _ball. Do you know what sports these might be? How different to play on this surface to one of grass or tarmac.

This is a task for you. Have a look at the pictures of the classrooms. What is different to your classroom, what is the same, anything missing? Make a list perhaps something like this

Things that are the same
Things that are different
Anything missing


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