Saturday 16 April 2011

School Uniform
The school colours of St James are blue and white, the girls have to wear a grey dress with a blue shirt, blue and white socks and some wear a blue and white sash around their waist. Some children wear a blue jumper when the weather is not so hot and especially in the winter months.

The boys again wear a blue shirt, blue and white socks and a blue jumper. In the summer months (November to February), the boys must wear short trousers. Funny that, the summer in Lesotho is in the middle of our winter, why is that?

In a number of the pictures a number of the children are wearing something around their necks, have a look at the pictures and see if you can see what that is?
Don’t get to tie d up with this question.
Not much writing this week, just pictures. 
Next week there may not be a blog as it is the Easter break. The first school holiday since the start of term in January.  Hurray !!!

                                 Ok, who wants their photograph taken?

                                     OK,who has not got their homework?

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