Sunday 20 March 2011

     11th March 2011 an Important Day for the People of  
Each year on the 11th of March the people of Lesotho remember the death of the Founder of the Basotho Nation, King Moshoeshoe I. 
So who was Moshoeshoe?
Born in 1786, first son of Chief Mokhachane of the Bakoena clan. At that time many clans lived around what is now Lesotho and the Orange Free State which is now in South Africa.   

      In 1806 Moshoeshoe meets Mohlomi, a seer; a holy man who the people believe is able to see into the future. The advice given to Moshoeshoe  provides a guide for him for the rest of his life. 

So what was the advice given to Moshoeshoe?
To live in peace with the other clans living along the borders of his lands. He is also told that wisdom and power do not come from a magic potion, but depend on having a clear mind, goodness of heart and service to one’s fellow men.
What do you think about the advice given to Moshoeshoe?
Is it advice that we can follow today?
Over the years Moshoeshoe does seek peace with the other clans. They come to recognise him as a great leader and by 1825 a number of clan unite under his leadership. By 1829 Moshoeshoe’s people call themselves Basotho. Unfortunately  a number of the Basotho people lived in what is now the Orange Free State and were forced out and moved  nearer to  Moshoeshoe’s fortress Thaba Bosiu, land which is now  the Kingdom of Lesotho.
The Hilltop fortress of Thaba Bosiu
Moshoeshoe ruled his people for many more years until his death on 11th March 1870. 
On the 11th March each year the celebrations take place to remember Moshoeshoe I, the first King of Lesotho, under his hilltop fortress of Thaba Bosiu. The present King Lestsie III, attends the ceremony together with his Prime Minister and the other members of the Government. Other countries from around the world( UK, India, China, Ireland, EU) are represented by that country’s Ambassador.
Here are some of the pictures of the day’s events.     
      Arrival of the King, with Military Guard of Honour

The King Letsie III  next to the Prime Minister(has a hat and glasses).
King taking the salute
 King inspecting the troops

Female dance group in traditions costume.

          school dance group

traditional goat skin clothes

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