Wednesday 2 March 2011

My name is Robert Liscombe,  I am a teacher who is currently part of the Lesotho Teacher Placement Programme run by Dolen Cymru as part of the Lesotho Wales Link.
This blog has been set up for children and schools to learn a little about what it is like to be to be a child living and going to school in Lesotho.  Adults are also welcome to view the blog.
My school is St James Primary which is located in the capital city Maseru, which can be found on the western part of the Kingdom of Lesotho near the South African border.
The school has 1000 children ranging in age from 6 in standard 1 to 13 in standard 7.
Question, how does this compare with your school?

St James Primary Maseru
My School
Standard 1          95
Year 1
Standard 2          98
Year 2
Standard 3        135
Year 3
Standard 4        154
Year 4
Standard 5        145
Year 5
Standard 6        193
Year 6
Standard 7        180

  Total             1000 

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