Wednesday 11 May 2011

A Scary Week  
Whatever you do, do not go down a dark alley late at night you may meet up with some scary people just like the ones in this picture. They are the children from Standard 1(the youngest in the school at 6 and under.

Well they are not actually scary, what could have been scary is the fact that these children have little or no English and I have even less Sesotho(the language of Lesotho).
Imagine that one day you arrived in school in Wales to find that your teacher was ill and would not be in for 1 week. A replacement teacher had been found to teach you, the only problem is that this teacher can only speak Russian!! How would you feel, what would you do if you wanted a drink or go to the toilet?
I was fortunate that the Standard 1 teachers were also in the classroom. There was however an exception on one day when one of the Standard 1 teachers was unable to get into school for the first 3 hours of the school day. We still had a good time for the children now can sing twinkle, twinkle, little star and head, shoulders knees and toes with actions.

We also did a little work from some pictures can you see what subject we are working on?

On the plus + side this may help you.    

Khomelho, age 4 the youngest and smallest St James pupil

 sorry about the delay in this week's  blog, technology problems

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