Sunday 1 May 2011

End of term activities

End of term activities
What happened on the last day of term in your school? No lessons, perhaps you had a no uniform day and were able to take your Nintendo to school or do something on the internet. There may have been some fun activities organised by the teachers or you just played some games.  
The last day of term is somewhat different in St James.
 How would you like to clean your classroom?
 I don’t mean tidy up and put things back in their proper place to make the classroom neat and tidy.
 I actually mean, clean, using brushes to sweep the classroom, water to wash the floor and finally if available, polish, to make the floor shine. Almost forgot take all the desks out of the classroom first and when the floor is dry and polished take the desks back into the classroom.
 If you were not cleaning the classroom you might be washing the windows or sweeping the paths around the school.
 Take a look at the pictures that are coming up.    

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